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Cerchio di pietre di Castlerigg Cerchio di pietre in Inghilterra

Il cerchio di pietre di Castlerigg è uno dei monumenti preistorici più impressionanti visivamente in Gran Bretagna.

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Cerchio di pietre di Castlerigg
Cerchio di pietre di Castlerigg Cerchio di pietre in Inghilterra
Regno Unito
Prehistoric stone hut circle settlement, irregular aggregate field system,five enclosures,a well,a cairnfield and trackways on S Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK

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Regno Unito
Two medieval shielings 240m north west of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK

Regno Unito
Two medieval shielings 240m north west of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK
Regno Unito
Two medieval shielings 210m north west of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK

Regno Unito
Two medieval shielings 210m north west of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK
Regno Unito
Medieval shieling 160m north west of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK

Regno Unito
Medieval shieling 160m north west of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK
Regno Unito
Medieval shieling 300m north of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK

Regno Unito
Medieval shieling 300m north of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK
Regno Unito
Two medieval shielings 25m north of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK

Regno Unito
Two medieval shielings 25m north of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK
Regno Unito
Two medieval shielings 60m north of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK

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Two medieval shielings 60m north of Clough Fold Archaeological site in St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn, Allerdale, England, UK
Regno Unito
Reecastle Crag hillfort Hillfort in Borrowdale, Allerdale, England, UK

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Reecastle Crag hillfort
Reecastle Crag hillfort Hillfort in Borrowdale, Allerdale, England, UK
Regno Unito
Roman camp south of Field Head Farm Archaeological site in Mungrisdale, Eden, England, UK

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Roman camp south of Field Head Farm Archaeological site in Mungrisdale, Eden, England, UK
Regno Unito