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Cerchio di Brodgar Henge neolitico in Scozia

Il Cerchio di Brodgar è un henge e un cerchio di pietre neolitiche a Orkney, in Scozia.

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Cerchio di Brodgar
Cerchio di Brodgar Henge neolitico in Scozia
Regno Unito
Pietre erette di Stenness Henge in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Pietre erette di Stenness
Pietre erette di Stenness Henge in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Staney Hill, enclosure 95m S of Henges Architectural structure in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Staney Hill, enclosure 95m S of Henges Architectural structure in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Loch Migdale, henge 160m ESE of Lochend Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

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Loch Migdale, henge 160m ESE of Lochend Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Quarrywood,henge 260m N of Oakwood Motel Architectural structure in Moray, Scotland, UK

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Quarrywood,henge 260m N of Oakwood Motel Architectural structure in Moray, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Teanagarin Cottage,henge 155m W of Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Teanagarin Cottage,henge 155m W of Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Conon Bridge,henge 230m NE of Riverford Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Conon Bridge,henge 230m NE of Riverford Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Achilty,henge,Contin Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Achilty,henge,Contin Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Dugary, henge 425m SE of Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Dugary, henge 425m SE of Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Castle Hill,henge Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Castle Hill,henge Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito