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Stonehenge Monumento preistorico a Wiltshire, Inghilterra

Stonehenge è un enorme monumento di pietra situato su una pianura calcarea a nord della città moderna di Salisbury, Inghilterra.

Regno Unito
Stonehenge Monumento preistorico a Wiltshire, Inghilterra
Regno Unito
Bell barrow 100m east of Stonehenge immediately south of the A344 Bell barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK

Regno Unito
Bell barrow 100m east of Stonehenge immediately south of the A344 Bell barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK
Regno Unito
Bowl barrow 650m SSE of Stonehenge Bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK

Regno Unito
Bowl barrow 650m SSE of Stonehenge Bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK
Regno Unito
Bowl barrow 500m WNW of New King Barrows north of the A303 Bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK

Regno Unito
Bowl barrow 500m WNW of New King Barrows north of the A303 Bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK
Regno Unito
A bowl barrow and three bell barrows forming part of The Cursus round barrow cemetery Bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK

Regno Unito
Regno Unito