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Cerchio di Brodgar Henge neolitico in Scozia

Il Cerchio di Brodgar è un henge e un cerchio di pietre neolitiche a Orkney, in Scozia.

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Cerchio di Brodgar
Cerchio di Brodgar Henge neolitico in Scozia
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Pietre erette di Stenness Henge in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK

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Pietre erette di Stenness
Pietre erette di Stenness Henge in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Bridge of Broubster, stone circle 700m ENE of Broubster Village Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

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Bridge of Broubster, stone circle 700m ENE of Broubster Village Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Clach an Righ, stone circle 400m NNW of Dalharrold Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

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Clach an Righ, stone circle 400m NNW of Dalharrold Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Learable Hill,stone rows,circles,cross-marked stone & settlements Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

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Learable Hill,stone rows,circles,cross-marked stone & settlements Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Cnoc an Liath-Bhaid,stone circle 880m ENE of Braegrudie,Strath Brora Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

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Cnoc an Liath-Bhaid,stone circle 880m ENE of Braegrudie,Strath Brora Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Golspie-Lairg Road,stone circle 920m NW of Mound Junction Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

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Golspie-Lairg Road,stone circle 920m NW of Mound Junction Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
River Shin,stone circle on W bank of,S of Lairg Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
River Shin,stone circle on W bank of,S of Lairg Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Druim Baile Fuir, stone circle, cairns, hut circles and enclosure Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

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Druim Baile Fuir, stone circle, cairns, hut circles and enclosure Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito
Achinduich, stone circle 950m NNE of Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK

Regno Unito
Achinduich, stone circle 950m NNE of Architectural structure in Highland, Scotland, UK
Regno Unito