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Knowlton Circles, Henge nel Regno Unito

I Cerchi di Knowlton sono un gruppo di strutture cerimoniali del Neolitico e dell'Età del Bronzo.

Si ritiene che il sito sia stato utilizzato per oltre un millennio, a partire dal 2500 a.C. circa.

I cerchi rappresentano un collegamento significativo con il passato preistorico della Gran Bretagna, evidenziando attività spirituali e cerimoniali.

I Cerchi di Knowlton si trovano vicino a Knowlton nel Dorset, accessibili per visite durante tutto l'anno.

Il complesso include una rara combinazione di un henge con una chiesa costruita al suo centro.

Posizione: Knowlton

Sito web:

Fonti: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Didlington Lodge Gatehouse in Chalbury, East Dorset, Dorset, UK

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Didlington Lodge
Didlington Lodge Gatehouse in Chalbury, East Dorset, Dorset, UK
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Church of All Saints Grade I listed church in Chalbury, Dorset, United Kingdom

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Church of All Saints
Church of All Saints Grade I listed church in Chalbury, Dorset, United Kingdom
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Church of St Mary Church building in Moor Crichel, East Dorset, Dorset, UK

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Church of St Mary
Church of St Mary Church building in Moor Crichel, East Dorset, Dorset, UK
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Crichel House
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Horton Tower Tower in Horton, Dorset, England, UK

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Horton Tower
Horton Tower Tower in Horton, Dorset, England, UK
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Church of St Michael Church in Gussage St Michael, Dorset, UK

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Church of St Michael
Church of St Michael Church in Gussage St Michael, Dorset, UK
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Church of St Nicholas Church in Edmondsham, Dorset, UK

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Church of St Nicholas
Church of St Nicholas Church in Edmondsham, Dorset, UK
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Edmondsham House Country house in Dorset, UK

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Edmondsham House
Edmondsham House Country house in Dorset, UK
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Cranborne Manor Maniero a Dorset, Inghilterra

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Cranborne Manor
Cranborne Manor Maniero a Dorset, Inghilterra
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Church of St John the Evangelist Church building in Hinton Martell, East Dorset, Dorset, UK

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Church of St John the Evangelist
Church of St John the Evangelist Church building in Hinton Martell, East Dorset, Dorset, UK
Regno Unito 4.2 km
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