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Bell tower of the Church Marzahn/Nord

Bell tower of the Church Marzahn/Nord

Popolarità :

Bell tower of the Church Marzahn/Nord, tower in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany

Posizione: Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Inizio: 2012

Fonti: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Bell tower of the Church Marzahn/Nord Tower in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany

Germania 0 m
Bell tower of the Church Marzahn/Nord
Bell tower of the Church Marzahn/Nord Tower in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany
Germania 0 m
Father and son Sculpture by Emerita Pansowová in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany

Germania 34 m
Father and son
Father and son Sculpture by Emerita Pansowová in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany
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Fountain Fountain in Berlin, Germany

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Fountain Fountain in Berlin, Germany
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Keramiksitzbrunnen Fountain in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany

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Keramiksitzbrunnen Fountain in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany
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Lindenbrunnen Fountain with stainless steel sculpture showing a linden tree by Rolf Walter and Hans-Joachim Kunsch in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany

Germania 429 m
Lindenbrunnen Fountain with stainless steel sculpture showing a linden tree by Rolf Walter and Hans-Joachim Kunsch in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany
Germania 429 m
Ella Wohnturm Wohnturm in der Mehrower Allee 20 A im Berliner Ortsteil Marzahn des Bezirks Marzahn-Hellersdorf

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Ella Wohnturm
Ella Wohnturm Wohnturm in der Mehrower Allee 20 A im Berliner Ortsteil Marzahn des Bezirks Marzahn-Hellersdorf
Germania 458 m
Brunnen mit Findling Fountain with an erratic block in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany

Germania 570 m
Brunnen mit Findling
Brunnen mit Findling Fountain with an erratic block in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany
Germania 570 m
Fountain in the Kinderbad Marzahn (Platsch) Fountain installation in a paddling pool with six ceramic animal figures by Dieter Duschek

Germania 701 m
Fountain in the Kinderbad Marzahn (Platsch)
Fountain in the Kinderbad Marzahn (Platsch) Fountain installation in a paddling pool with six ceramic animal figures by Dieter Duschek
Germania 701 m
Stehender, Sitzende, Liegende Sculpture group by Sylvia Hagen in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany

Germania 767 m
Stehender, Sitzende, Liegende
Stehender, Sitzende, Liegende Sculpture group by Sylvia Hagen in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany
Germania 767 m
Jahrtausendtore Sculpture group by Christine Gersch and Igor Jerschow in Seelgrabenpark in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany, consisting of 12 gates and stelae distributed throughout the park.

Germania 785 m
Jahrtausendtore Sculpture group by Christine Gersch and Igor Jerschow in Seelgrabenpark in Berlin-Marzahn, Germany, consisting of 12 gates and stelae distributed throughout the park.
Germania 785 m
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